In the wake of a global pandemic, more attention than ever before was given to high-level cleaning and touch-point cleaning. To help you take a proactive approach, here are four ways to ensure that you are cleaning touch points correctly and at the highest standards. 

High touch-point cleaning, is possibly the most basic and straight forward step towards stopping the transfer of germs and viruses spreading from one person to the next. If touch-point cleaning has been effective, it will remove traces of germs, viruses, mould and bacteria the could potentially grow in short periods of time.  

touch point cleaning

Touch-point cleaning

Touch-point cleaning includes areas such as door handles, tables, chairs, hand rails, taps, computers, and buttons in elevators and washrooms.   

Businesses have a legally binding obligation under the OH&S Act, to ensure that employees and visitors “are not exposed to risks to their health and safety.” 

cleaning and disinfecting

Microfibre cleaning

The state and federal governments have issued official guidelines on the method and cleaning of touch-point surfaces, although one issue has remained unaddressed and that is the best materials to use to clean these touch-points.  

By re-using the same cloth across multiple surfaces, you are increasing the risk of cross-contamination. For this reason, it is vital that you don’t use the same cloth between different touch-points. It is essential to use a disinfectant or detergent that can both break down and life bacteria from surfaces.   

We suggest trying I-fibre microfibre cloths that feature trio-split technology. It has been split three times, with in-built debris channels that increase efficacy and hold dirt rather than spread it around.  

Effective disinfecting technology

While there are oil and water-based disinfectants on the market, we suggest using the latter along with a cold mist generator. The I-cover is ideal for reaching touch-points and hard to reach areas.  

While detergents lift out stains and organic matter that you are trying to physically lift, disinfectants will kill bacteria and viruses. A cold mist generator is ideal for disinfecting surfaces, stems from nozzles that offer a wide spray dispersion, and flexibility for cleaning different surfaces. 

Invisible dirt and bacteria

 One tricky aspect to high-level touch-point cleaning is ensuring that you are not missing any vital areas. Afterall, just missing one small area of a touch-point can increase the risk of germs, viruses and bacteria spreading further. An easy way to check touch-points is with a UV light, like the one featured on the I-scrub 26. This hand held tool also features a soft edge for cleaning around areas such as sinks. It also utilises the trio-split technology micro-fibre pads that were mentioned previously.  

uv light hand held cleaning tool

Show your results

Along with regular cleaning of touch-points, you can also show results with the I-know kit. A breakthrough in cleaning measurement tools, that is easy to use, affordable and can provide touch-point cleaning results in just one minute. Access ATP testing at your finger tips and get clear before and after results of your cleaning.  

cleaning processes