seven miles terracycle recycling program

Virtue Plus and Zando are proud to be taking part in the Seven Miles Terracycle Recycling Program. Coffee shops unite!

Introducing the first ever Australian recycling program for coffee lovers.

Did you know that coffee bags, by volume, are one of the most prolific non-recyclable waste streams generated by coffee businesses. But what if instead of going to landfills, that waste could be transformed into a playground!

Now for the first time, we can prevent this waste from going into landfills and make a huge difference to the environment and create products to be enjoyed by many for years to come.

With the first ever Australian recycling program for coffee lovers!

coffee bag recycling program

Virtue Plus and Zando are taking part in the recycling program, launched in July 2019 by Seven Miles and Terra Cycle, the global leaders in “recycling the non-recyclable”

Once in place, it is expected that this program will save tonnes of coffee waste, which usually ends up in landfills. Imagine if every café did just one thing like this, it would go along way to making a huge difference to the environment and sustaining our resources for future generations.

So how does it work? All you need to do is sign up to the Seven Miles Program via the Terracycle website. Then collect used Seven Mile coffee bags in any available box. Once full, print the free postage label and send to Terracycle. The plastic will then be moulded into a variety of new products, like benches, picnic tables and even playgrounds!

coffee shops recycling program

In order to recycle this waste stream properly, please make sure your coffee bags are empty before placing them in your collection box. Additionally, if you choose to rinse your bags, please note that it must be completely dry prior to shipping.

Once received by TerraCycle, the coffee bags will be shredded, washed and turned into granules. The granules are then sold to product manufacturers that make outdoor and durable goods such as picnic tables, decks, fences and shipping pallets.

These bags include the following blends: Leaf and Berry, Gusto, Cat’s Pyjamas, Tazzina and Belaroma.

seven miles coffee bags