Because we value your loyal support, we are offering you the opportunity to join our loyalty program and get rewards!

Dear Valued Customer,

Because we value your loyal support to our business, we are
offering you the ongoing opportunity of benefiting through our
Platinum Loyalty Rewards Program.

This unique program enables you to earn Platinum Points which are redeemable for top quality gifts as a just reward for your continuing support.

The program has been designed to be simple to use and
understand. Every dollar spent earns you one point.

Please note that customer accounts need to be up to date for gifts to be redeemed. Customers under contract are not eligible for the rewards program due to their special pricing arrangements. Also, overdue accounts may result in de-registration from the scheme at the discretion of Virtue Plus.

You must register to be included as a Platinum Reward Client and thus begin to earn points. Simply fill out the registration form on our website.

Join the platinum loyalty rewards program

    [text* loyalty-name placeholder "NAME*]

    *Required Fields